Talents and clients features

The users of our platform can be both clients who are interested in finding unique services and talents who provide unique services.

As a client you have an opportunity to use the following features:

  • find the service you are interested in

On the service overview page:

  • View service description
  • Check available dates and times of service
  • View available locations
  • View ratings and feedback for the service
  • View a profile of Talent or the service provider
  • View photos and videos of the service
  • Contact a service representative for more details
  • Book the service at your convenience


  • Add a bank card as a payment method and use it to pay for the service
  • Write a comment and rate
  • Cancel the reservation by filling out the online form
  • Contact customer support by filling out the online form
  • Complain to a service representative by filling out the online form

As a "Talent" or service representative you have the following features:

Basic features for all users

  • Use multi language website
  • Search for services
  • Use filters to sort your preferred services
  • View services
  • Using a mailbox to check for new messages and reply to emails within the platform (in the mailbox there is an option to track messages for both the talent and client roles)
  • Setting up a profile
  • Setting up an account
  • Add favorite services to your wishlist
  • Add avatar/account photo
  • Add pseudonym/brand name