How to set the price for your service


Disly platform provides the following options for setting the price for a service:

  • Price per person
  • Price per hour
  • Fixed price for the entire service

Price per person: suitable for services where the cost depends on the number of participants. This could include various workshops, group games, or events.

Price per hour: suitable for services where time is a crucial factor. Service providers can clearly specify the cost per hour, ensuring transparency and convenience for clients.

Price per service: suitable for services where the price is independent of time or the number of participants. The service provider specifies a fixed duration for service delivery and a minimum/maximum number of participants with a fixed price.

If the service price varies on weekends and weekdays, we offer the option to add a "Weekend Special Price". To set the weekend price, check the "Add Weekend Special Price" box and specify the service cost on Saturday and Sunday.

You also have the option to set limits on the number of people and the duration in hours for your service. This additional information will assist potential clients when booking the service.