Refunds for a service not provided

If by some reason talent is not able to provide service at the time agreed with client, talent should notify Disly (by filling in the form) and client in advance. Each service provision refusal is subject for a penalty that is paid to Disly.


Notification time and penalty amount are available in the table:

Notification time Penalty amount
Talent notifies Disly and client for more than 30 days 5% out of order total amount
Talent notifies Disly and client for more than 96 hrs or 4 days 10% out of order total amount
Talent notifies Disly and client for 96 hrs (4 days) or less 20% out of order total amount
Talent fails to notify Disly and client 50% out of order total amount


If the talent is more than 15 minutes late in providing the service, the client has the right to refuse the service by sending a request to customer support, meaning that talent has not provided the service to the customer. In this case talent will be liable to pay Disly a penalty of 50% of the value of the Order + to refund the payment service fees/costs incurred in paying the value of the order and returning it to the customer.

The refund is transferred to the account that was used to pay for the service. The refund payout process typically requires a timeframe of 5 to 10 business days.